ID▼ | Product | Comp▲ | Assignee | Status | Resolution | Summary | Changed |
4842 | Claws Ma | Folders | users | NEW | --- | Intermittent saving to avoid loss of metadata (e.g., read status) after crash | Thu 14:03 |
4808 | Claws Ma | Folders | users | NEW | --- | make End key select the last visible node in folders list | 2024-06-04 |
4662 | Claws Ma | Folders | users | NEW | --- | Special folder for spam | 2023-05-31 |
1643 | Claws Ma | Folders | users | NEW | --- | favorites folders and most used | 2024-07-18 |
File a new bug in the "Folders" component of the "Claws Mail" product