Bug 4078 - don't auto-scroll to the top of message view on tag (un)setting
Summary: don't auto-scroll to the top of message view on tag (un)setting
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Claws Mail (GTK 2)
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI/Message View (show other bugs)
Version: 3.17.0
Hardware: PC Linux
: P3 enhancement
Assignee: users
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-08-24 15:45 UTC by George
Modified: 2018-08-26 16:14 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description George 2018-08-24 15:45:19 UTC
version 3.17.0git12


1. Select a message
2. Scroll it down so that the headers don't show up
3. Right click on it in the message list
4. Set/Unset a tag


The message scrolling position should be preserved (just like when adding/removing/changing a color label)


The message view auto scrolls right to the top.
Comment 1 Paul 2018-08-26 13:26:52 UTC
cannot reproduce. no scrolling here after removing a tag. Are you talking about an IMAP mailbox/folder and not an MH mailbox/folder?
Comment 2 wwp 2018-08-26 13:38:46 UTC
I see the same behaviour here, whatever it's w/ IMAP tags or tags from CM itself. The view jumps to the top, because the Tags: line on top of it gets either updated/added/removed.
Comment 3 Paul 2018-08-26 13:57:29 UTC
In fact, I can reproduce it.

Your description threw me by comparing it to colour labels, which, of course, don't make any changes to the message view, (only to the msg list), unlike tags, which do.

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