Bug 4570 - No way to open broken URL on a link
Summary: No way to open broken URL on a link
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Claws Mail (GTK 2)
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI/Message View (show other bugs)
Version: other
Hardware: PC Linux
: P3 normal
Assignee: users
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-02-14 09:52 UTC by Jakub Jankiewicz
Modified: 2022-02-14 09:52 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

email (9.12 KB, message/rfc822)
2022-02-14 09:52 UTC, Jakub Jankiewicz
no flags Details

Description Jakub Jankiewicz 2022-02-14 09:52:58 UTC
Created attachment 2271 [details]

I just got email from some website and the URLs were broken. the were valid but https?:// was missing. And the problem is that there is no way to copy that url and add https and open those links. From time to time I see link that can be copied and opened. The only way to get actual URL is to save the mail as file and open it in an editor.

I'm attaching a broken email. The second link on "Zobacz szczegóły" (which translates into "See details").

I think that if the URL is broken there should be a way to copy the URL somehow. The browser will open the link even if it's broken.

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